Help CRC provide 125 air purifiers to families in EPA, NFO, and Belle Haven to protect against harmful wildfire smoke and air pollution — donate or spread the word today!

Wildfire season is officially here with the McKinney Fire burning more than 60,000 acres in Northern California as of early August. For low-income communities and communities of color, wildfires mean dense smoke inside their homes, harming their families and compounding the consequences of chronic air pollution in their neighborhoods. As a consequence of redlining practices, decades of disinvestment, and systemic racism, many individuals in East Palo Alto, North Fair Oaks, and Belle Haven suffer from chronic breathing conditions like asthma and COPD. During wildfire events, these chronic conditions can become deadly, and even otherwise healthy residents can suffer profound consequences.

CalEnviroScreen 4.0 data showing aggregate pollution burden in the mid-Peninsula. CRC’s communities are far above average in terms of pollution impacts.

This air purifier model cleans 500 cubic feet in 30 minutes and performs well in lab tests, with a price point of about $150.

Installing an air purifier in your home is one of the best ways to improve indoor and outdoor air pollution, and benefits other health conditions like allergy symptoms. A well designed model that is easy to operate, purifies a large room, and comes with inexpensive replacement filters is $147.50– a price point that is inaccessible to many residents of our communities. This represents an opportunity to raise funds to purchase and distribute purifiers to community members with the greatest need.

CRC will leverage our Climate Change Community Teams (CCCTs) to ensure that the air purifiers go to families who most need assistance — such as the elderly, homes with young children, individuals with asthma or COPD, and low-income families. Our CCCTs are made up of community leaders who intimately know the needs of their communities, and who know full well the need for immediate relief among the most vulnerable members of their community.

CRC aims to raise $20,000 to purchase and distribute 125 air purifier units throughout our communities, and this help can’t come fast enough. Join us today to make sure that 125 low-income families are able to stay safe from harmful wildfire smoke and air pollution this year.

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