Youth Climate Collective Alum Spotlight: How EJ Grassroots founder Aanya Dhruv is amplifying environmental justice education

CRC is proud to feature Aanya Dhruv, who is a remarkable alum from our 2023 Youth Climate Collective (YCC) program. Aanya is the founder of EJ Grassroots and through her organization, she developed a curriculum now recognized as an official resource for 700 schools in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties

Aanya’s passion for EJ was ignited during a climate change class, where a discussion about environmental justice sparked her interest. This interest was further fueled by a visit to Dahanu, a rural town near Mumbai, where she witnessed firsthand environmental injustices the community faced. Motivated by these experiences, Aanya founded EJ Grassroots.

Through EJ Grassroots, Aanya developed an innovative EJ curriculum that allows students to fully comprehend complex environmental issues. The curriculum offers a powerful tool to enrich the education of 350,000 students with environmental justice principles. 

We are proud to support Aanya with a $10,000 grant to expand her impact by funding in-school workshops and community engagement programs. 

Reflecting on her time with YCC, Aanya shared how instrumental the cohort experience was in shaping her approach. “YCC’s mentorship, collaboration, and sense of community taught me the power of collective action," she says. "It's a lesson that has guided my work and continues to inspire me."

Aanya's story is a testament to the power of education, community engagement, and a relentless commitment to EJ. We look forward to seeing the continued growth of EJ Grassroots and the positive impact it will have on communities for years to come.

For more information about EJ Grassroots, please visit or contact


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